We Would Love
to Keep in Touch!

lay associates_usa_oct 2007

La Salette Associates: Who Are We?

A. Who We Are:

We, as members of the La Salette Associate Program (of the La Salette Province of Mary, Mother of the Americas), are people who associate ourselves closely with the La Salette Missionaries - their life and mission. We include diverse groups of men and women throughout North America and our program is similar to other La Salette Associate Programs around the world (Europe, Africa, North and South America and in the Philippines).


B. Our Mission and Vision:

We are committed to Jesus' mission of reconciliation, as proclaimed in Mary's message at La Salette. As part of the people of God, we are called, in communion with the spirit and charism of the La Salette Missionaries, to bring love, healing, justice, and acceptance to "all her people". This we do through our personal lives, through our prayer and spirituality, and through our group activities.

C. Our Expectations:

Each Associate is expected to:

  1. accept and understand the Mission and Vision of the program
  2. know the message and charism of La Salette
  3. desire and be willing to live out that charism in his or her daily life
  4. share the message of La Salette with others

D. Our Formation Program:

Each group develops their own formation program which includes-but is not limited to-the following four pillars:

1. La Salette:

  • the message and charism of La Salette
  • the history and formation of the Missionaries of La Salette
  • the structure of the La Salette Missionaries

2. Community: explore various types of community experiences, including those of other La Salette Associate programs throughout the United States;

3. Ministry: explore the types of ministry available to group members

4. Personal Spirituality: appreciate that personal spirituality is a lifelong process that is nourished by faith sharing, community participation, and personal prayer.

E. Our Expression of Our Commitment:

Once a candidate has been accepted, a covenant commitment is written and renewed yearly as close to the feast of Our Lady of La Salette (Sept. 19) as possible. This event should be commemorated in the context of either a liturgical ceremony or other prayer service.

Our Covenant includes the following elements:

  • to foster La Salette devotion
  • to share Eucharist with the La Salette Missionaries whenever possible
  • to celebrate special feast days and holidays with the La Salette community
  • to attend regular meetings as outlined by our local group
  • to attend ongoing formation programs that encourage our spiritual growth

F. For more information, please contact:

  • in Attleboro, MA area: Arthur Becket: 401-781-4746; Sally Riconscente: 508-285-7321
  • in Enfield, NH area: Sharon Markowitz: 603-632-5066; June Partridge: 603-632-4045
  • in New Bedford, MA area: Connie Levasseur: 508-995-9224;
  • in St. Louis, MO area: Kathleen Crawford, St. Louis, MO: 314-353-5000; Fr. Dennis Meyer MS, St. Louis, MO: 314-353-5000

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