We Would Love
to Keep in Touch!
Monastery in Yenangyuang where
Fr. Bernie studied as a young boy

About my call to the La Salette Missionaries… 

My first contact with the La Salettes was at St. Mary’s school in Thayetmyo. I was sent there as a boarder by my father because I was getting a lot of Buddhist influences since my grandmother sent me to a monastery in Yenangyuang to study 
Fr. Bernie Taylor, M.S., with
some orphans of the 2008
Nargis cyclone in Myanmar
my first 3 R’s. Then later I was transferred to St. Peter’s in Mandalay and then on to St. Paul’s in Rangoon (both run by the de La Salle Brothers). 

I joined the La Salette Minor Seminary in Akyab (now Sittwe) in 1962 and was sent to the Philippines the next year. However, since I was still living in Burma, I was not able to get to any La Salette novitiate so I finished my theological studies and was ordained for the diocese of Prome (now Pyay). The La Salettes in the Philippines decided not to let me come back as the La Salette Burmese mission was planning to close. 
I went back to Prome any way and worked in the diocese even after the La Salette Missionaries left. I finally decided to go back to the Philippines when the new bishop assigned me to Rangoon. After a couple of years, I was finally able to finish my novitiate and took my first vows in 1982 (20 years after I entered the apostolic school in 1962).

About my present vision for the La Salette Mission in Myanmar? 

The first five La Salette Missionaries to serve
in Burma (Myanmar) with Bp. Newman in center
I have finally been relieved of my duties as the superior of the Myanmar mission. Thanks be to God, I am no longer the only La Salette from Myanmar. Originally Fr. José Nacu, M.S., was assigned to start the Asian Outreach Program with the idea of going to Myanmar. However he went to Indonesia instead because he could not get a visa into Myanmar. 
Finally I went back to Myanmar and decided to recruit only high school graduates. Despite difficulties I was gradually able to bring some recruits to the Philippines for formation. It was almost impossible to get passports to leave Myanmar and get a visa for them to stay in the Philippines. I could not get them the student visa and so I had to fight for missionary visas. 
Shrine in Silang,
Cavite, Philippines
Since the level of their education was very basic, none of them passed the entrance exams for their collegiate (philosophy) studies. Instead I was able to bring them to a diocesan seminary in Pangasinan, Philippines. They were able to get the necessary education and I was able to arrange for their own specialized Philosophy courses in Silang, Cavite, at our Shrine. All the rest is history. 
Since the beginning of our mission in Myanmar, I was trying to prepare the young priests to be confident, well prepared, dedicated La Salette priests, well oriented for their ministry in Myanmar. 
Very Rev. Fr. Dennis
Loomis, M.S., presently
La Salette Superior
I sent one young priest to France to join the international community at the Holy Mountain at La Salette. The American La Salettes have been very gracious and Fr. Dennis Loomis, their Provincial, offered me financial support for my efforts. Two of our young Mayanmar priests were able to study for two years and eventually become involved in formation programs. When Fr. Loomis was elected La Salette Superior General in 2006, he gave us all the help we needed and much more. 
My vision for the Burmese La Salette Mission is plain and simple: that we be good Myanmar La Salettes. We are now exactly that! We have a mission given us by our Lady of La Salette in Myanmar. Our integration into the local church is tremendous and our being La Salettes as reconcilers is deepening with the help of many people’s prayers. 
Our present involvement in the Marian Shrine in Chanthagone will gradually help it to become a National Shrine. Our native formation program is falling into place with the opening of our own novitiate. The integration of the Myanmar culture and the La Salette spirit will be evident when our formation program in Myanmar is complete. I look forward to the day when we will be able to play an important role in our worldwide congregation. 
In addition, we need to strengthen our social outreach to our people. Presently we only have one nurse trained from our little village in Chanthagone. I am hoping to get involved with the farmers in the near future to help them with advanced techniques in farming. Our Myanmar La Salette presence will eventually be seen and felt all over the world.

About our present La Salette membership in Myanmar…

Minor Seminary (diocesan) in Pyin Oo
Lwin, Mynamar, where Fr. Lucas
Suan Za Lian, M.S., is assigned
We have fourteen perpetually professed Myanmar La Salettes; thirteen of us are priests: 
Fr. Valentine San Tun, M.S., is in France
Fr. Nicodemus Aung Than Aye, M.S., is serving in Attleboro. 
Fr. Antonio Ano, M.S.,, who joined the Philippine Province, is now assigned as a pastor in Isabela.
Fr. Philip Naw Aung, M.S., is the new Regional Superior of Myanmar and I suppose he will retain Fr. Jerome Eiphan, M.S., and Fr. David Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, M.S., (our novice master) as his assistants. 
Fr. Lucas Suan Za Lian, M.S., is assigned presently to the minor (diocesan) seminary in Pyin Oo Lwin.
Frs. Robert  Zaw Lwin, M.S., Patrick Kyaw Lin, M.S., (the younger) David Kyaw Zwa Latt, M.S., and Thomas Htang Shan Maung, M.S., are ministering as parish priests in the Archdiocese of Mandalay.
Fr. William Phyo Wai, M.S., is the Director of the Shrine. 
Bro. Nicholas Zaw Moe Aung, M.S., is continuing his theological studies.
I am now planning to begin my apostolate to the poor farmers in the south. 

About our seminarians…

We have seven novices who will hopefully profess their first vows on November 9, 2012 at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the arrival of La Salette Missionaries in Akyab (now Sittwe). We begin each candidate’s formation program by accepting them first as volunteers, then as aspirants and then as postulants. Four of them are taking the entrance exams to begin their philosophy studies next year. A few more possible candidates are not yet fully committed. The number of prospects varies, as is normal in all our vocation and formation programs.
I have great hope for the future of our La Salette ministry in my home country of Myanmar and I am very grateful to those who support us by their prayers and offerings.