We Would Love
to Keep in Touch!
Where were you born and raised?
Untitled 1Fr. Valentine Sun Tun, M.S., at the La Salette Shrine in Enfield, NH
I was born on February 14, 1975 and was baptized, of course, Valentino. I was born in Demawhso, in Kayah State, in southeast Myanmar. My father is Kardio, now retired from Regional Educational Director for the local regional educational district of Demawhso. My mother is Theresa, a retired professional accountant. I am the eldest of five children – with two sisters and two brothers.
Where were you educated and connected with La Salette?
I went to primary and second level schools in my hometown. For High School, I went to Loikaw City, about eleven miles from my hometown. Then I worked in my family farm business (rice, corn, mangos, bananas, peanuts, etc.) for three years and then entered the Loikaw Diocesan Minor Seminary for two years. There I had a course in Psychology and advanced English Grammar.

Fr. Bernie Taylor, M.S. came to our seminary for recruitment and I became interested in exploring a vocation to the La Salette Missionaries. Our bishop then asked who of us would be interested in joining the La Salette Community and studying and doing formation in the Philippines. Five young men, including myself, volunteered. Of the five, three became La Salettes and two entered other religious orders.

In the Philippines, we studied at St. Paul Seminary Foundation in Silang, Cavite, Philippines. I majored in Philosophy and minored in Mass Communication. I had my Postulancy in Cubao, Quezon City as well as my Novitiate in Silang, Cavite. I took my theology at Maryhill School of Theology, in New Manila City, from the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM) from Belgium.

I was ordained in Holy Rosary Shrine in Chanthagone, Paliek, Mandalay, Myanmar on September 23, 2008 with two other La Salettes, Fr. Lucas Suan Zalian, M.S. and Fr. Patrick Kyaw Lin, M.S.
Where did your serve in your ministry?
My first assignment was as Assistant at St. Joachin and Ann in Myaukine Village and Myint Nge City in Mandalay, central Myanmar. Then I was made pastor of Holy Family Parish in Sin Phyu Village in Kyauk Se Township, in Mandalay. I was asked to serve at the Holy Mountain from May, 2010 until January, 2016. Then I accepted becoming Novice Master and La Salette District Secretary in Pyin Oo Lwin City, in Mandalay, about fifty-five miles from our Chanthagone Shrine.
What was your ministry like on the Holy Mountain in France?
Untitled 2(from left) Maryhill School of Theology in New Manila City; Holy Rosary Shrine, Chanthagone, Myanmar, where Fr. Valentine was ordained.
I served the English-speaking pilgrims and, after learning French, served the French-speaking pilgrims who came to the mountain. I ministered to laity and religious sisters and brothers. In addition, I was Spiritual Animator for the MPP Program, “Walking, Sharing, and Praying”, held on the Holy Mountain.

My experience was exceptionally beautiful, serene, very enlightening and inspiring. I discovered the roots of our La Salette spirituality through the apparition’s words and message together with reading the scriptures. As I accompanied the pilgrims, I deepened my own spirituality as a La Salette religious and my love for Mary’s La Salette Community.

From my faith sharing with our pilgrims, I discovered their great depth of faith and for some, a major event of reconciliation with family members. In this process, I also realized that this is not strictly my mission but rather the mission of Jesus and Mary in this special place.
What does the La Salette message mean to you?
Her message means living a life of love for Jesus and Mary, and thus renewing and integrating that message into my life of service for our community and the entire people of God.

The La Salette message requires me to empty myself and – like a rainbow – radiate the many colors and aspects of my faith and her message. It is very challenging, fulfilling, and an endless source of joy. I simply love the adventure of it all!

Untitled 3Pilgrims process into the La Salette Basilica on the Holy Mountain in France.