To the Editor:
(from left) Shrine Church as seen from Rosary Pond;
Retreat Center with its Marian ChapelFor more than 60 years, the La Salette Shrine has been a shining symbol of peace, love and joy to all who visit; an inspiration for those who travel as far away as Canada and upstate New York, and many more cities and towns across America, just to find the peace and reconciliation they feel will make their lives whole again.
Possibly a refuge and a home where they could share their pain and hurt to one of the dedicated priests. There is never a charge to go to La Salette or the "Festival of Lights." They solely depend on donations.
What would Attleboro be without the La Salette Shrine? How would Attleboro be different without the Shrine? For one thing, that walk you love to take around the Rosary Pond would be gone. The Holy Stairs that bring you much peace when you are at your lowest ebb – this, too, would be gone.
The day you finally decide to make peace with your God, in the sanctuary of the church, would no longer be there for you. Or, when you drop by to say a prayer for a loved one in need. The priest whom you feel you could confide your pain and suffering to – he, too, would be gone.
Remember going to a healing service and listening to the witnessing of all the people whose lives were changed because a La Salette priest anointed them at a healing service? The person who felt compelled to come to La Salette Shrine because they were told their illness was terminal and they were desperate, then the letter saying: "I was anointed at La Salette Shrine and I am now healed." All this would be gone.
Of course, the Christmas lights that bring so much joy and happiness to young and old alike would be dimmed. There would be no excitement on Thanksgiving night as the beacon of hope and joy we are all so used to, would be stilled. The memories of the people who came as children, now grown up, are bringing their children to keep that tradition going.
Do you want all this to end? Well, it could very well happen if the City of Attleboro continues to tax parts of La Salette Shrine to the tune of $92,000 per year.
(from left) in 1950s, newly built hill for La Salette Facsimile;
in 1966 pilgrims walk around pond praying the rosaryLa Salette Shrine is there for the people of Attleboro. It provides numerous free services. It is the "anchor" in the City of Attleboro and the priests, brothers and nuns are there to serve the people of Attleboro and all the people who come and bring business to Attleboro.
Just ask Bliss Brothers Dairy, Briggs Corner Pizzeria and some of the other restaurants which are filled to capacity for the five weeks of the Christmas season and beyond – all because of the La Salette Shrine.
Do you love the La Salette Shrine? Have you been helped by the priests, brothers or nuns there? Then voice your objections loud and clear to Assessor Stanley Nacewicz at 508-223-2222 for his efforts in trying to close down the Shrine by being over zealous in taxing a religious organization.
Call and tell the assessor what you think. This is a grim portrait of what Attleboro would be like without La Salette Shrine and a warm reminder of what makes La Salette Shrine great. We must protect her from fading away.
(from left) Emblem of Attleboro Shrine with Maximin and Melanie;
Rosary Pond during Christmas Festival of Lights
Internet Articles and Social Media on Attleboro Shrine’s Taxation Case:
Attleboro Sun Chronicle:•
(04/1/16) Attleboro, La Salette in legal battle over taxation•
(04/05/16) Lawyers in state court argue over taxing La Salette Shrine land in Attleboro•
(04/07/16) La Salette says city tax bill will have big impact on its mission•
(04/07/16) Shrine lawyer balks at changing tax status in Attleboro•
(04/10/16) Taxing Shriner a slippery slopeBoston Globe:•
(04/01/16) La Salette Shrine tax case coming before SJC•
(04/04/16) Houses of worship are far more than pews and prayerbooksBoston Herald:• (04/02/16) Religious tax exemptions on the line in SJC case•
04/06/16) SJC says Attleboro shrine should consider itself a charity: La Salette seeks exemptionTelevision:•
(04/6/16) La Salette, other religious groups make case before SJC to remain tax exemptRadio:
• (04/05/16) Should All Parts Of A Religious Institution Be Tax Exempt? •
(04/05/16) Mass. Supreme Judicial Court Roundup
• (04/11/16) The SJC Battle Over Whether Attleboro’s La Salette Shrine Owes Property Taxes
• (04/05/16) Read this: Interfaith coalition in Mass. challenges tax on Catholic shrine
• (04/05/16) Top Massachusetts court weighs arguments on taxation of property at Catholic Shrine
• (04/06/16) Massachusetts Council of Churches: Religious Autonomy Before the Courts
• (04/06/16) In Massachusetts, a difficult, dangerous religious-freedom test case
• (04/02/16) Massachusetts Council of Churches Facebook
• (04/02/16) Boston Herald Facebook
Other Publications:
• (05/03/16) The Atlantic Magazine