We Would Love
to Keep in Touch!

Marisa Silvano 01Fr. Silvano Marisa, M.S., La Salette Superior GeneralOn this 176th Anniversary of the La Salette Apparition, we remember the hope-filled words of Mary at La Salette:“If [my people] are converted, rocks and stones and rocks will turn into heaps of wheat, and the potatoes will be self-sown in the fields.”

This celebration of the anniversary of the Apparition offers me an opportunity to reach each one of you, in whatever community or ministry you are in the world, as well as our young people in formation, the elderly, the sick, and to everyone, I wish you, in the name of the La Salette General Administration, a happy and holy patronal feast.

We rejoice together of this La Salette feast day

In fact, September 19 is a date indelibly engraved in our hearts and minds as it is precisely from there that our journey as La Salette religious and missionaries, along with our La Salette Laity and supporters throughout the world. The Apparition and the message of the Beautiful Lady shaped and nourished the content of the charism of reconciliation that animated and continues to animate the life of our Congregation and those dedicated to our Weeping Mother.

It is always a reason for joy for us to return punctually every year to the inspiring source of our presence in the Church to thank the Lord for the gift of vocation and to renew, faithful to the charism entrusted to us, our commitment of dedication and service to the cause of the Gospel as Religious, as Missionaries, and a devotees of the Weeping Virgin of La Salette ...

Good News of great joy

I would like to share with you some news that are a source of great joy for the whole Congregation:

  • The Province of the Philippines recently welcomed the first five candidates from Vietnam who are aspiring to become La Salette Missionaries.
  • In this month of September the formation House in Bukoba/Tanzania, which was blessed and inaugurated last March during my visit, will open its doors officially. It will host, for the moment, six candidates and all are from Tanzania.
  • In Haiti, despite the difficulties associated with political instability and the lack of security that the country is experiencing, the novitiate program has begun with four young people of Haiti.

Untitled 1Let us accompany these young people with prayer so that they may persevere in their journey of vocational discernment and one day they become the part of our large La Salette Family ...

La Salette Laity

We entrust to the maternal protection of Mary the success of the Third International Gathering of La Salette Laity which will take place at the Shrine from October 1-9, 2022 with the participation of the General Council and the lay delegates of the movement present in the various Provinces and Regions of the Congregation with their respective spiritual directors.

Our Patronal Feast

I would like to send these few lines of good wishes for the 176th Anniversary of the Apparition also to all those who, attracted by the charism of Reconciliation, share and collaborate, in various ways, in the mission of our Congregation, in particular the La Salette Laity, the Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette (SNDS), and the many friends and benefactors who are scattered around the world.

May this gracious anniversary stimulate everyone to live their lives in the dimension of reconciliation in everyday life, with God, with themselves, in the family, in the Church and in the world, strongly urged by Mary's invitation: "Well, my children, make this known to all my people!

News from Haiti:

We’re doing very well despite the political and security turbulence in Haiti. We thank you for this beautiful message you sent to us; it encourages us and gives us the strength to persevere in this mission.

It is true what you have heard about the opening of our novitiate in Haiti. The situation in Haiti is still critical. The General Council approved the beginning of the Novitiate in Haiti. The inauguration will be on September 18th, the day our Haitian candidates will enter the novitiate in Haiti for the first time. It will be a historic event for our Congregation.

We thank helping us reach this opportunity of opening the novitiate. There will be four Novices, and we’ll give them the best of us so that these first fruits are the pride of our mission in Haiti. We thank your Province of North America for help and support. Tomorrow we’ll go on an Eight-Day Spiritual Retreat. Pray for us.

We wish you a good preparation for the La Salette Feast.