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Over the years we have been celebrating the La Salette Feast with our own approved La Salette Mass from the Vatican and other materials to summarize and emphasize Mary’smessagea at La Salette. Over the past year our Communications Center has been additional liturgical materials to help us do exactly that!

Please look over these two materials that we have recently developed as well as the other helpful materials to explore further the message and meaning of Mary’s appearance at La Salette.

First New Resource:
A Ritual for a La Salette Symbol Garden,
combining the General Intercessions with the Preparation of the Gifts:

Purpose of this special ritual: This special ritual is meant to:

  1. remind people of the words of Mary at La Salette without having to read the entire message;
  2. touch upon the basic symbols which bring the message to mind;
  3. (using option three) involve several people in explaining the message through the concrete symbols;
  4. make this ritual memorable by involving a cross-section of people in forming a beautiful La Salette Symbol Garden in the church on the La Salette Feast.
The symbols used are:
  • First Symbol: two baskets, one holding French bread and the other holding some cheese
  • Second Symbol: a framed picture of our Weeping Mother
  • Third Symbol: a La Salette Crucifix
  • Fourth Symbol: a basket of potatoes
  • Fifth Symbol: sheaves of wheat and a bunch of grapes
  • Sixth Symbol: the bread and wine, chalice, paten, and a picture of deceased family members
  • Seventh Symbol: the Book of the Gospels

It lists the complete texts for three ways (or options) to use this Ritual:
Option One: This offers a simple text, mentioning the seven groups of La Salette symbols in the special version of the General Intercessions. This choice does not use an actual La Salette Symbol Garden. The text is read by a priest and one narrator.

Option Two: This offers a simple text, with the use of the La Salette Symbol Garden — placed somewhere in the sanctuary with the seven groups of La Salette symbols already displayed in it. No procession is used except for the Procession of the Gifts of Bread and Wine after these General Intercessions are concluded.

Note: The La Salette Symbol Garden can be displayed in any way you choose, with the symbols (and flowers) already placed in the Symbol Garden in advance of Mass.

Option Three: This offers a simple text, using the La Salette Symbol Garden as well as the special Procession of the Symbols. This option includes complete instructions on how to organize the Procession which happens during the General Intercessions.
(Here is the Link to La Salette Symbol Garden_A4)
(Here is the Link to La Salette Symbol Garden_Letter)

Second New Resource:
A Collection of Votive Mass of the La Salette Message (fifteen Masses)
and on Reconciliation (ten Masses)

We have the recently published La Salette Votive Masses – both on La Salette (15 Masses) and Reconciliation (10 Masses) with homily reflections (downloads in letter and A4 formats):

We offer this new material to La Salettes—Religious and Laity—around the world for two reasons:
  • first: to uplift and enlighten God’s people;
  • second: to provide materials for preaching or reflecting on the La Salette Apparition;

Each set of Votive Masses is offered in two parts:

  • Part One: all the prayers and prefaces, two readings and responses necessary for celebration of these Votive Masses;
  • Part Two: background materials for reflection and preparation for these Votive Masses, including:
    • Scriptural Commentaries from several sources;
    • Scriptural reflections on each reading by La Salettes and other noted scholars.

Further information is available in the Preface for each set of Votive Masses. All texts used are from other liturgical publications approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship in Vatican City.

Our usual collection of various essential Liturgical materials for Celebrating the La Salette Apparition can be found here: