"My House shall be a House of Prayer for all Peoples" (Isaiah 56:7)
The newly built Shrine of our Lady of La Salette at Kayakunnu, Wayanad was blessed on May 20, 2017 by Bishop Mar Jose Porunnedom. It is a dream comes true for the La Salette Missionaries in India as we consecrate and dedicate the Shrine of our Blessed Mother. This will be the first shrine in Kerala dedicated to our Lady of La Salette.
From left: Our Lady of La Salette; New La Salette Shrine in IndiaThe La Salette Shrine is open for all people and will be known as a place of prayer. People of all faith will be welcomed at our shrine and I strongly believe that this shrine will be a center for reconciliation and a place of consolation for many souls.
I have a dream to see La Salette Ashram as a great spiritual center. I am sure that the new Shrine, new house and the retreat center will support us in making this dream come true. The Ashram ministries, the retreat center, vocation promotion, lay association and all other ministries that we do around the area will be supported by our blessed mother and her intercession.
Our Blessed Mother asked us to make her message known to all her people. We can be proud of the ministries we do in making the reconciliation message known to the entire world… The shrine becomes a reality for us through the great support of some well-wishers of La Salette…
As we renewed our religious vows together on May 1, 2017, let us be reminded of our commitments and the great blessings God has showered on us all. We have joyfully set apart our life to serve the Lord and our community.
We can be so proud that there are three postulants entering to the canonical year of Novitiate, one Novice making his first vows, two renewing their vows and six of our brothers making their perpetual commitment. It is really a grace-filled moment for all us as we experience the growth of our community here in India.
I would like to express my deep sentiments of gratitude to all the parents for their sacrifice by offering their beloved ones to the La Salette community and our Formation Directors for their great support in molding them. I also wish to congratulate the brothers for their courage and determination to live religious life and we assure them of our continued prayers for their daily living out of their religious vows.
As members of this growing La Salette family, we are called to help others find the Lord and become a sign of God's presence in our world. Let us be faithful to the Rule of Life of our community and ask the intercession of our Blessed Mother to guide us to her Son and continue in the same spirit and become companions with others in their own personal vocation.Gathering of the La Salette Province of India
(Reprinted permission received from our La Salette Rome website)